
For carers and staff

Every carer and member of staff should feel confident leading movement sessions with both groups and individuals. So, our movement specialists have created training videos and materials to support every individual that leads our sessions. Our training offers both general and detailed information, with practical guidance and tips on how best to facilitate sessions.

You can access our training sessions both online and face to face. Our digital carer training is available both in instructional videos and in downloadable pdfs. If you prefer in-person training, we can come to you. Or you can attend one of our away days closest to where you are. Contact us at to find out more, and/or book a session with our Training Lead, Rosie Allen-Perdikeas.

Zest training sessions

Zest founder, Clare Parker, and Training Lead, Rosie have created four modules for you to watch and/or download as a pdf, plus a short video to say hello. They are:

  • Getting started with Zest. This tells you all about us, what we offer and how you can best use our sessions in residential, social care or care home settings.
  • Our ‘on the move’ videos are short sessions, typically 5-7 minutes each, that are designed to get people moving daily. We call them ‘movement bites’. They can be used solo, daily, or you can combine two or more to create longer sessions. In this video, we talk you through what they’re designed to achieve and how to introduce our sessions to your groups or clients.
  • Creating social events. This video is for carers in residential homes and social care settings, to help you set up social events for our Big Night In videos.
  • Understanding impact. Here we share the potential physical, mental, emotional and social benefits to residents and clients of the various Zest sessions.

In addition, we have created specific instructional videos with teaching points and expert tips to help you lead key strength and balance exercises.

Training support videos

Training support videos

Our movement experts guide you through our strength and balance exercises as well as helping you use Zest to the full, and ideas for introducing props.



TN1: Using Props

Using Props

Props make a difference; how to bring them into your sessions.

TN8: Module 1: Getting Started With Zest

Module 1: Getting Started With Zest

Everything you need to start exploring the content and using Zest.

TN9: Module 2: On The Move - Get Moving Everyday!

Module 2: On The Move - Get Moving Everyday!

Ideas and tips on how to get everyone in your home moving more everyday using Zest.

TN10: Module 3: Creating Social Events

Module 3: Creating Social Events

Ideas and tips on using Zest Big Night In videos to help you create social occasions and events.

TN11: Module 4: Understanding Impact

Module 4: Understanding Impact

Ideas and tips on identifying the difference your activities make and how to observe and measure health and wellbeing outcomes.

Safe movement practice

Safe movement practice

TN2: Posture Check

Posture Check

How to get postural alignment right, standing and sitting.

TN3: Sit to Stand

Sit to Stand

Practising sitting to standing strength and balance exercises to help prevent falls.

TN4: Heel to Toe

Heel to Toe

Heel and toe strength and balance exercises to help prevent falls.

TN5: Heel and Toe Raises

Heel and Toe Raises

Demonstration of two strength & balance exercises for the lower legs (seated and standing).

TN6: Knee Strengthener

Knee Strengthener

Exercises to strengthen knees, standing and sitting.

TN7: Leg Strengthener

Leg Strengthener

Demonstration of front leg strengthener exercise (seated).


Making exercise effective and enjoyable

Every Zest session has been created to help improve people’s mobility and help them socialise.

  • Moving our bodies on a regular basis naturally enhances mobility, strength and balance, helping prevent falls and aiding independence in older people.
  • Encouraging people to be active in a mediated group setting, to music, builds confidence, and is a sociable activity, bringing everyone together.

Clare and Rosie have decades of experience bringing music and movement to older people in a variety of settings, including working with staff and residents in residential care homes. Both trained in FaME and Otago evidence-based programmes, and their sessions are designed to incorporate the key strength and balance exercises that can help prevent falls.

The choreography is accessible for all; the movements are easy enough for anybody to be supported to try, whatever their level of mobility. All Zest videos are designed to be completed seated, but can be adapted for those lying down, or for those able to exercise standing or standing supported. Many can also be adapted for use in Dementia settings.


Find your own props

Using props is a great way to make classes more fun and encouraging bigger movements - if people are concentrating on holding onto an object, they’re less likely to be asking themselves if they can do it or not. You might be surprised by how many daily objects can work as props - hats, scarves, paper plates, pieces of paper and fabric can all be used. Polystyrene piping from a hardware shop can be turned into cheap and effective ‘batons’ – as used in our On the Move Tangoesque Warm-up and Move with the Orchestra. Scarves from charity shops add colour without costing too much. Watch our special props video for tips and suggestions to get you started sourcing, upcycling and getting moving with affordable and effective props.


Frequently asked questions

Are your exercises suitable for everybody

We know that older people have varying levels of mobility and fitness, and so we have created a wide range of seated exercises that can easily be modified to suit individual abilities. We include gentler choices for those with limited mobility, incorporating low-impact workouts, balance exercises and strength training. That way, users can choose the movements that are suitable and safe for their current level of fitness. We also suggest ways to modify exercises or offer alternatives where we think that will be beneficial. Many of our videos can also be adapted for dementia settings – if in doubt contact us to ask how:

The NHS recommends older adults do some type of physical activity every day to improve their health and reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. If it is not possible to do this due to a chronic condition, they should be as active as their ability and conditions allow. For those who have not exercised for some time, have concerns or medical conditions, a GP or healthcare professional can provide guidance.

What support or assistance is available for users and carers?

We provide four training modules to help support carers and care home staff to access our content safely and effectively. In addition, our On The Move videos are all led by specialists who offer tips throughout. We also provide in-person training and are happy to answer any additional questions you may have. Simply email us at

How do I subscribe?

We offer three subscription models. You’ll find all the details here. If you have any more queries, contact us,

Get in touch

Get in touch

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Ask us anything and find out more about Zest Active Arts -
contact Katie at

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